On my first two entries, I talked about the decision to sell our house and then talked about the process of finding just the right RV. (Read the first entry here and the second entry here.) What I didn't really go into was the emotional side of things as all of that was happening. The timeline for all of this was insanely fast. Only two weeks went by from the time that first text was sent, to the time we had our house listed to sell and found the perfect RV. Two weeks!! I think those two weeks were such a whirlwind of craziness and excitement, that we really didn't have time to stop and think, "Are we really doing this!?" And in hindsight, I think that may have been a good thing, because if we would have slowed down and thought about things, we may have started doubting ourselves.
If you really think about it, we were changing everything about our lives. We absolutely loved the house we built. When I would really stop and think about it, I would get pretty sad about the idea of someone else living in it. It was OUR house that we built from the ground up. How could we just sell it after only enjoying it for two years!? But every time I started thinking about that, I stopped myself. Instead of thinking about what I felt like we were "giving up", I started thinking about what we were "gaining". We absolutely LOVE to travel. Our entire plan was to move into the RV, both have full time mobile jobs, and to not stay in one place for more than a few weeks. We would get to see anything we wanted within the entire U.S.! That's really what kept me moving things forward.
Now, full disclosure here, I kept circling back to the "what ifs". My biggest "what if" was, "What if we both can't get mobile jobs?" I was already teaching English online, so I felt pretty confident that I could continue doing that as long as we could find good internet. (And we did. We use UnlimitedVille. It's actually unlimited and also unthrottled, which was super important since I teach online video classes a couple of hours per day. Check it out here.). But my biggest fear at this point was that he wouldn't be able to get an online job, we would have sold our house and moved into the RV and we would just be stationary and stagnant and I would have nothing but regret. So, our agreement was that even if it took a while for him to find an online job, we would find ways to travel part time, even if it was short trips on the weekends. So, we made another big leap and decided to move forward with selling our house. We knew at this point, if for some reason we changed our minds, we would only be out the small deposit we put on the RV. So, two weeks after making this decision, our house went live and man, that was scary! So many thoughts...what if it sells within days and we don't have our RV yet? What if it doesn't sell at all and we have to give up this dream we've commited to? But, like everything else in this journey, we just took it day by day.

At the time of writing this blog entry, we're four months in and still only traveling part time. But, not traveling full time yet is not as bad as I thought it would be. The couple of big trips we've taken have given us the drive to keep pursuing full time travel and we're still making progress towards that. The goal has changed a little though. We're actually hoping the passive income investments we made a while ago will take over our income soon, so that maybe two mobile jobs won't even be necessary. But, who knows what the future will bring?
If you're enjoying these blogs and reading about our journey, would you please do something for us? Save our Amazon Link! Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. But, if you're purchasing something off of Amazon anyway and you use our link, we'll get a tiny percentage from the sale. So, if you're shopping anyway, just head back to our LinkTree each time and click on any of our links. Then search for whatever you were planning to buy anyway in the search bar. We also have tons of recommended RV items on our list. I'll be starting a new blog entry soon, in between kid wrangling, homeschooling, and all the other things that come with full time RV life. I'll eventually write about all of those things too.
In case you've never seen us, here's a recent (and rare) picture of the four of us together. I also have three sons who are all grown up and moved out on their own.